
About Us

Dana and I met a few years ago when we worked at the same retail store. We were both married to other people at the time, and as far we knew, we were just going to be co-workers that got along okay.
Then, I left the store to start work with another company and a short time later I went through a divorce. Not a very fun experience, let me tell you. Which is why when I found out through a mutual friend that Dana was going through a divorce as well, I made it a point to go see her.
She wasn't the only friend I had who was going through a divorce at that time, and because of that I sort of became a makeshift counselor of sorts.
It was a bad time for a lot of us. But, through it all, friendships were made and strengthened.
The strongest friendship of all was mine and Dana's.
We started dating at the end of 2006, and about two years later we bought a house and moved our two families in together.
During all of this I began dabbling with Herbalife, using their products and sharing them with friends and family. Eventually, Dana and I decided to fully do the business opportunity.
And now, here we are, living our lives one day at a time and doing our best to do the right thing and help others.
I also play xbox.

- Brice