
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Never Give Up

     Some of the challenges Dana and I face revolve mostly around finding the time to do all of the things we want to do. We have a lot going on in our lives. We both have full-time jobs, a family to raise, a wedding to plan, and a business to grow.
     Seriously, the day would have to be 48 hours long for us to feel like we've gotten everything done. It's at times like these that we prioritize what we feel really needs to get done, and that usually means we put off the things we wanted to do for ourselves.
     Take today for example. We had to get tires put on Dana's car, pick the kids up from school, take our dog to the vet, come back home, get the kids to do their homework, make dinner, get the kids ready for bed, and somewhere in there try to promote the business.
     Did we get all of that done? Miraculously, yes. Was it simple? Not really. Things started to really reach a boiling point at the vet because for some reason our dog started to get nervous after his not so comfortable introduction to Mr. Thermometer.
     So what was the thing that was put off? Well, it was almost this blog. Believe me, it would have been easy for me to rationalize a "good reason" not to do this blog tonight. I'm tired. I've had a long day. There are only so many hours left to get some sleep before I have to get up and do it all over again. (Not the vet, though. My dog's been through enough.)
     But, this blog is important to me. That's why I named it after me and Dana, to serve as a reminder of why we're doing what we're doing. It's not just about Herbalife. It's about our life and what we want out of it for ourselves and our family. Too many people give up on their goals right when they're about to achieve them. Too many people never realize how close they were when they quit.
     I don't want to rationalize not being successful. I don't want other people to convince themselves that it's okay to settle. It's not. When you do, what you're really doing is giving up on yourself.
     There's no amount of rationalization that can justify doing that.
     - Brice

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