
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kicking Off The New Year

     So, it's December 1st and that means we're a little over a month away from starting our next Weight Loss Challenge. What is a Weight Loss Challenge, you ask? Well, in a lot of ways it's exactly what it sounds like. We get a group of people together and help them lose the weight they want to lose through education and group support. It's a lot of fun and people always have a great time.
     For Dana and I, however, the Weight Loss Challenge represents the core reason why we do what we do with Herbalife. The first challenge we were ever a part of, Dana lost twenty-eight pounds and won. It wasn't easy. One of the things the challenge does is encourage you to honestly evaluate yourself, and not everything people discover is, at first, positive. It can be a very emotional moment for some, as it was for Dana.
     But then that's where the turn-around starts to happen.
     When you have a revealation about yourself, and you're alone, it can sometimes be heartbreaking and too difficult to overcome. That's where a lot of people give up on their goals.
     In a group setting, though, surrounded by people who understand what you're trying to accomplish and who support you, that revealation can be a doorway to a better place.
     That's the part I enjoy the most, the moment where people realize that their goals aren't as difficult to achieve as they might have thought. You can almost see the switch flip for them.
     Committing to a goal is one thing. Taking action is the hard part. That's where I feel Dana and I do our best work and experience the most personal satisfaction. We get to help others, we get inspired by the people we help, and we've met a lot of good people along the way.
     As much as Dana and I want to be financially successful in what we do, what we've acheived so far isn't something that can be measured in dollars and cents.
     In the grand scheme of things, that's worth more than any amount of money.

     - Brice

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