
Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Healthy, Happier You

     So something that Dana and I believe in is that the healthier you are, the more productive you are.
     Now this doesn't just mean work. But, since that's the first thing most people think of, let's talk about that for a moment.
     How many times have you dreaded waking up in order to go to work? Is is because you're not particularly fond of your job? For a lot of people, that's exactly the reason why. But how much easier would it be to face your day if you felt your best? Had a healthy breakfast that helped get you on your way?
     But thankfully, there's more to life than just work. All of us lead full lives whether we think so or not. We all have friends and family, hobbies, interests that demand our attention, even if it's just a small portion of it.       Those interests use up energy. But we don't always replenish that energy the way we should. And when those interests revolve around something fun, we don't even think about it.
     This happens to Dana and I from time to time. But luckily, over the years, we've learned to listen to our bodies and develop a routine that works for us. The end result, we have more time to spend with our family doing the things we want instead of sitting down for a moment or taking a nap and missing out.
     The way I look at it, that's the whole point of living a healthy life. It's not just about eating right and exercising, it's about taking care of ourselves so that we can do more and get more out of our lives.
     Ask yourself, if you had more energy, or simply more time, what would you do? Who would you spend that extra time with? What could you accomplish that you've been putting off because you were just too tired?
     We all have full lives to lead that are worth living. It's up to us to actually do it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Never Give Up

     Some of the challenges Dana and I face revolve mostly around finding the time to do all of the things we want to do. We have a lot going on in our lives. We both have full-time jobs, a family to raise, a wedding to plan, and a business to grow.
     Seriously, the day would have to be 48 hours long for us to feel like we've gotten everything done. It's at times like these that we prioritize what we feel really needs to get done, and that usually means we put off the things we wanted to do for ourselves.
     Take today for example. We had to get tires put on Dana's car, pick the kids up from school, take our dog to the vet, come back home, get the kids to do their homework, make dinner, get the kids ready for bed, and somewhere in there try to promote the business.
     Did we get all of that done? Miraculously, yes. Was it simple? Not really. Things started to really reach a boiling point at the vet because for some reason our dog started to get nervous after his not so comfortable introduction to Mr. Thermometer.
     So what was the thing that was put off? Well, it was almost this blog. Believe me, it would have been easy for me to rationalize a "good reason" not to do this blog tonight. I'm tired. I've had a long day. There are only so many hours left to get some sleep before I have to get up and do it all over again. (Not the vet, though. My dog's been through enough.)
     But, this blog is important to me. That's why I named it after me and Dana, to serve as a reminder of why we're doing what we're doing. It's not just about Herbalife. It's about our life and what we want out of it for ourselves and our family. Too many people give up on their goals right when they're about to achieve them. Too many people never realize how close they were when they quit.
     I don't want to rationalize not being successful. I don't want other people to convince themselves that it's okay to settle. It's not. When you do, what you're really doing is giving up on yourself.
     There's no amount of rationalization that can justify doing that.
     - Brice

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kicking Off The New Year

     So, it's December 1st and that means we're a little over a month away from starting our next Weight Loss Challenge. What is a Weight Loss Challenge, you ask? Well, in a lot of ways it's exactly what it sounds like. We get a group of people together and help them lose the weight they want to lose through education and group support. It's a lot of fun and people always have a great time.
     For Dana and I, however, the Weight Loss Challenge represents the core reason why we do what we do with Herbalife. The first challenge we were ever a part of, Dana lost twenty-eight pounds and won. It wasn't easy. One of the things the challenge does is encourage you to honestly evaluate yourself, and not everything people discover is, at first, positive. It can be a very emotional moment for some, as it was for Dana.
     But then that's where the turn-around starts to happen.
     When you have a revealation about yourself, and you're alone, it can sometimes be heartbreaking and too difficult to overcome. That's where a lot of people give up on their goals.
     In a group setting, though, surrounded by people who understand what you're trying to accomplish and who support you, that revealation can be a doorway to a better place.
     That's the part I enjoy the most, the moment where people realize that their goals aren't as difficult to achieve as they might have thought. You can almost see the switch flip for them.
     Committing to a goal is one thing. Taking action is the hard part. That's where I feel Dana and I do our best work and experience the most personal satisfaction. We get to help others, we get inspired by the people we help, and we've met a lot of good people along the way.
     As much as Dana and I want to be financially successful in what we do, what we've acheived so far isn't something that can be measured in dollars and cents.
     In the grand scheme of things, that's worth more than any amount of money.

     - Brice