
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend

     So it's the weekend after Thanksgiving, and most people have burned off all the calories they consumed on Thursday by getting up really early on Friday to shop, shop, shop!
     We did our part as well. Both Dana and I work full-time retail jobs to support ourselves and our family while we work at our health and wellness business. It's not always easy. Dana went in at 3am on Friday, even though what she really wanted to do was stay in bed with me. I would have liked that too.
     But, it's all about responsibility, and I believe it does pay off.
     Case in point, this blog. I have been toying with the idea of doing a blog to help promote our business, but never did much about it. Then on Thanksgiving, Dana's sister Lindsey and her boyfriend Mike brought up the idea as well.
     Mike talked about it first while we were playing catch with the kids (this was before our impromptu game of 4-square). As he described all the potential benefits of doing a blog, I kept thinking to myself, "This is happening for a reason." Then, when Lindsey came out to join our game of catch, she took the ball and ran (pardon the pun) by throwing in her support and giving ideas as to how to do the blog and where to look for ideas.
     It's hard to say who was more excited about this, me or them. I was still taken aback by their support that seemed to come out of nowhere. I don't mean that to sound like Lindsey and Mike aren't supportive of us, they absolutely are. It's just that the last thing I thought I'd be talking about on Thanksgiving day was how to promote our business online.
     But, that's why I believe responsibility pays off. If you always try to do the right thing and maintain the integrity of your word, then good things will happen. It's not always easy, and sometimes you'd rather not. There have been plenty of times when I've had to convince myself to get out of bed with my, "Why Am I Doing This Again?" speech.
     Then, those seemingly "out-of-nowhere" moments happen to let you know that you're on the right track. It's those little moments that keep Dana and I going. It's those little moments that reassure me that Dana and I are going to be successful with our path in life.
     And to think that this all started with a simple game of catch.

     - Brice

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hello, everyone! My name is Brice and this blog is all about how my bride-to-be Dana and I are doing our part to help people live healthier lives.
Why are we doing this? Simple. We believe that if people felt better, they would be better; not just emotionally, but physically and financially as well. It's all connected.
But, as with anything in life, it all starts with us. And that's what we're going to talk about here.
So, please visit often as we continue to add to this site. If you have any questions, let us know. We'd be more than happy to talk about them.
